Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lady Mika

I thought I'd finally make a formal introduction of the newest addition to the family: Mika. She's 2 years old, talks a lot, purrs a lot, and doesn't like to be picked up (I have scratch marks to prove it - what's with my cats not liking to be hugged??) *cry* Oh, and her former name was Sally.

I got her at PetSmart (who now collaborates with local animal shelters - YAY!) about 2 weeks ago. To be honest, I wasn't thinking of really adopting a new cat - I was at PetSmart trying to get re-acquainted with cats to see whether I'd be ready to open up to another one again.

A few weeks and a few trips later, 'Sally' got me to smile at her first chirpy 'meewwww' and head-butt, and I knew I had to take her home :)

Obviously, I still miss Jasper (R.I.P.), but there are enough differences between the two felines to stop me from comparing. First off, Mika's a girl ;) And Jasper was quite the boy :P

Second of all: Mika's already an adult, and Jasper was a kitten - or 'young adult'. So Mika's personality is a lot more stable than Jasper's. He was unpredictable at best! Haha!

Thirdly, Jasper was my baby. Afterall, I was his mom at 6 weeks :) Mika - I consider her more a room-mate and we're still figuring how to co-habitate; getting used to each others habits, sleeping patterns, joys and irks...she does like to sleep on my chest though, with her paws in my face = comfortable??

But most of the time, she just likes to laze around the house and sleep a lot:
I'll keep you readers updated from time to time with how things are progressing. I'm still not sure whether she likes the camera in her face, but to be my cat, it's going to be a given ;)


tanyapotter said...

She is so sweet... adorable... those eyes and those paws...aaaaweee!

the first and last shots are my fave of the bunch... artistic cropping rulz!

Serena S. said...

i <3 that icon....:*(

i'm glad you like those shots! she's not as easy to shoot as jasper (obviously...i trained that cat well!!) but she's warming up to the camera.

she chirps and talks a lot - reminds me of moca in a lot of ways :) i think you'd like her