Hello! Just testing out my first post on my photoblog. Welcome :)
Anyways, I promised some friends that I would start blogging my photography adventures ;) So here I am!
So what is this photo then?
*Backstory: I've been taking a documentary photography course and my first assignment had to do something with the "familiar". What the heck is the "familiar"? Well, apparently none of my classmates really knew either, including myself! Haha! But the instructions were to capture - on film - a snapshot from your everyday life; daily rituals, meal preparations, people, objects, etc. were fair game for subject matter.
I chose to photograph my mother's bedroom. Kinda boring, maybe? But I realized that this would be an appropriate snapshot of my "familiar". This is where my brother and I would go to and catch up with my mom (besides in the kitchen, but I'll talk about that later); whether it was for a quick "hello! how are you?" or lengthy & in-depth (driving my brother to boredom = asleep on the floor) "girl-talk" :P
Anyways, I hope you like this one! I may post more pictures up later from this assignment - stay tuned!!
Cheers :)
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