(if you look closely at the photo, I like how there's two elderly men heading towards the Beer Store at 4PM - haha!! The Beer Store is blocked by the sign, in case you're wondering)
Okay, so I meant to post a while back re: my next assignment, but I'm going to sidetrack for a bit - since it is my blog! ;P So I'm dedicating a post to what I call an end of an era. No, not really for the Loblaws (or "Loblaw") Company, but for my own neighbourhood Loblaws supermarket store. May 28th marked the last day for Store #1002 and next year, it will turn into a No Frills - which is a chain that Loblaws also owns (I'm pretty sure there's a more business term for what that is). Ha, interesting huh? Kind of like the Banana Republic --> GAP --> Old Navy syndrome. But still, it's no Loblaws :(
Now why am I dedicating an entire post to supermarket you ask? It's just a grocery store, right? Go shop at Dominion! Bah!! Well, this store has also been my "home" for 8 years. Ignore the fact that I probably haven't worked there in the last 5-6 months due to scheduling conflicts, but yes people, I worked at Loblaws...in the Photolab to be more specific.
It was in the Photolab where I met some of my closest friends to date, and to think that we're all going to be separated is sad. I don't think we'll ever lose touch, but it's not the same :( So perhaps it isn't really the store that I'm mourning, but the people and connections made there that I'm going to miss the most.
So farewell Loblaws! I will miss shopping with you; to my co-workers/friends, I'm only a phone call away :)
You never know... they could have been walking to Timmy's! BUT! As for loosing touch... NEVAR! It was sad... some people were teary eyed, others cheering (armin)! After close... around 6:30ish, Nelson called all employees over to the front of the dealZone and told us all to go throughout the store and take whatever perishable items we wanted... for free! Cause y'know, they'd be tossed that night anyways. So. I loaded up on milk and swanson meals, plants and frozen grapes... enough stuff to fill a buggie! And the next two days, I helped to clean up the store. Pack up the lab and boxed deodorant! You should have seen the tampons fly! Gigglefits are the best! That was also the day that I unearthed the two boxes of m&ms (peanut butter and dark) from our cage. Good Times!
I wish I could have been there for the final huzzah! Haha, if only I could have documented the tampon action. I'll have to call you soon re: our lab party - actually, I'll call you now :) And you need to start writing in your blog woman!
What's so funny about going to the beer store at 4PM?!?!?!
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