I thought I'd finally make a formal introduction of the newest addition to the family: Mika. She's 2 years old, talks a lot, purrs a lot, and doesn't like to be picked up (I have scratch marks to prove it - what's with my cats not liking to be hugged??) *cry* Oh, and her former name was Sally.
I got her at PetSmart (who now collaborates with local animal shelters - YAY!) about 2 weeks ago. To be honest, I wasn't thinking of really adopting a new cat - I was at PetSmart trying to get re-acquainted with cats to see whether I'd be ready to open up to another one again.
A few weeks and a few trips later, 'Sally' got me to smile at her first chirpy 'meewwww' and head-butt, and I knew I had to take her home :)

Obviously, I still miss Jasper (R.I.P.), but there are enough differences between the two felines to stop me from comparing. First off, Mika's a girl ;) And Jasper was quite the boy :P
Second of all: Mika's already an adult, and Jasper was a kitten - or 'young adult'. So Mika's personality is a lot more stable than Jasper's. He was unpredictable at best! Haha!
Thirdly, Jasper was my baby. Afterall, I was his mom at 6 weeks :) Mika - I consider her more a room-mate and we're still figuring how to co-habitate; getting used to each others habits, sleeping patterns, joys and irks...she does like to sleep on my chest though, with her paws in my face = comfortable??
But most of the time, she just likes to laze around the house and sleep a lot:
She is so sweet... adorable... those eyes and those paws...aaaaweee!
the first and last shots are my fave of the bunch... artistic cropping rulz!
i <3 that icon....:*(
i'm glad you like those shots! she's not as easy to shoot as jasper (obviously...i trained that cat well!!) but she's warming up to the camera.
she chirps and talks a lot - reminds me of moca in a lot of ways :) i think you'd like her
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