I cannot express how frustrating MSN is on the Mac. Frankly, it kind of sucks! And why can't I choose my own icon picture? Must I choose from the 20 stock images they provide??? Am I really like a woodland frog? Or maybe a sunflower....ocean waves perhaps?
Even though I'm a recent convert to using the Mac computer, there are still pleasures that I really miss from my PC - my MSN is one of them. Along with larger icon pictures...anyways.
This ends a session of my Techno Venting. Thank You.
Ooooh - synchronistically I downloaded msn for Mac and used it for the first time last night.
Apparently, I'm a pretty pink flower. First I was a pair of rubber flippers.
My MSN chat friend showed me how to add personal pictures to your msn!! Go push the little triangle on the picture icon and then select the plus sign below the picture list and it'll open up your finder window so you can select whatever image you want.
no way, i'm going to try it out!
Dood. I was going to say... "I never had any problems changing my pictures..." In fact, I think I had too many... it slowed down messenger!
Don't you remember the “Potter Addict!” ones?
hey hey serena!
yeah they do let you change the dp on msn!
i just think the mac msn sucks cause you can't webcam :/
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