Just a little FYI, most of the pictures I've been posting lately on this blog has been from my little P&S (point and shoot) camera. It comes everywhere with me now, since it's quite awkward to be lugging around my usual DSLR and whipping the behemoth out when the moment calls for a photo.
The images taken with my little red camera may not always be the sharpest or clearest, but there's something interesting about images when it's taken at the spur of the moment with no real regard for the technical ju-ju.
nice shot.
I find that a crappy point and shoot can take surprizingly good photos at times. I think it has more to do with how you approach the image. if you take time to compose a shot and adjust the exposure compensation, your results can be quite good.
plus, what good is a great camera when you don't take it out anywhere?
I've got a 15 canoe trip being planned out this summer, and i can't imagine bringing my camera, cause i don't want it to get wrecked, but this is where i will have some of the best photo opportunities.
you should take your camera regardless. keep it in a plastic baggie if you're concerned about water damage and stuff. or find a way to keep it on your body somehow?
the trip sounds like total awesomeness!!!!! i'm jealous :(
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