My point & shoot is not always doing its best at focusing, but here's Jasper enjoying his new 50% off-closing sale-what a deal! cat bed. I figure he needs something new for Chinese New Year, being that he's the only animal not on the zodiac. Rumour has it, the cat got tricked by the mouse ;)
He really only fills half of the bed, but give him a few more years when his metabolism slows down and gets fat...he should fill the bed nicely then ;P
I'm amazed how much your cat looks like my cat.
actually, your cat is almost exactly like my current cat's mother, only your cat has ears!
the colour, shape and spot position are identical!
is he very bitey? my kittie loves to chew on me whenever i rub his belly.
my cat is VERY bitey. he thinks my hand is his chew toy :( but he's still so cute :)
i need to see pictures of your kitties!!!
my cat used to play fetch with my old hair elastics. i put off making a video of that for a few months, and now my cat has stopped doing it :(
i should post some pictures someday, my kitty is kind of cute.
5 years ago, when it was -30, we found a cat in the garage. her ears had frozen off. we let her in the house and nursed her back to heath. she kept getting fatter and fatter, until we realized, she wasn't getting fat, she was getting ready to give us 4 little kittens. then she ran away. we managed to give away 3 of them, but no one wanted the ugly one, so we kept him. and thats how we got our kitty :D
awww...I bet he's not ugly!! which one is this kitty? Carl or Lenny? or is this is a whole new cat altogether? you should post a video up! I'm still trying to get a good video of Jasper, but he's too damn fast now. Gah!
i posted a video to youtube a while ago (2 days) about my trip home to Canada, my cat is visible for a few seconds in the middle of the video. feel free to check it out.
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