Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year

Seriously, where did 2010 go? :P

Wishing everyone a great new start to another year! Hope it's filled with love, success, dreams and happiness :) May this year be a year for growth, new experiences and memories with friends, family and loved ones.

My 2010 resolutions and reflections to follow....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Holiday Cheer

Hi guys,

First off, I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas - whether you were at home with family, out with friends, or celebrating somewhere overseas! This holiday (religious stuff aside) is a time to be with loved ones, and perhaps receiving a present if you're lucky ;)

How did I celebrate Xmas this year? With a quiet dinner amongst family and friends, where we laughed, shared stories, and ate until we experienced the onset of itis.

When life becomes too busy and time flies out the window (seriously, where did my 2010 go?) I find it's nice to slow down, share a meal or two, and catch-up with the people who matter the most.

Enjoy the rest of the Holidays everyone!

Much, much love.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Cat for Xmas?

OMG. I just about died when my friend sent me this video - thanks, lady! My cat would totally kill me if I tried to do this. My favourite part is when the cat wags its tail.

Can you believe the holidays are almost upon us? Where has time flown? Hope this video brought a smile to your face amidst all the holiday planning, shopping and partying :)

More updates coming soon ;D

Much love.