I've been really busy juggling a few projects at the moment while nursing my aching, nerve-pinching bum (I think I must have fallen on my tailbone so it's taking a while to heal), which explains my one picture/post. In due time I will share more. Music is probably the only thing saving me from sleeping at the computer right now - I adore this version of 'Across the Universe' by Fiona Apple; brings me back to my high school days :) Enjoy.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
One Year

I've been so busy these days that I forget what day it is sometimes! So busy that I almost forgot that it's been a year since this little guy found a home with me :) I'm a few days late...but regardless, a year's gone by. And what a year :P Here's to my demanding, nosy, water drop chasing, toy mouse destroying, shoe lace chewing, sock sniffing, couch hogging, food crazy, "No Hugs, Not Ever!" little troublemaker, Jasper.

***this one's for you Lez ;) the cat goes 'kekekekekkekekkekekkeek" - HAHA!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Test Run: Breaking in New Wheels
A few friends went roller blading this weekend (some for the first time in YEARS - meaning me):

While enjoying the summer (rainy) weather and each other's company:
...then the day ended with me falling hard on my butt (with no flip-outs prior), temporarily blacking-out, falling just one more time - and all within 30 feet from my car. I am awesome.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Paper Heart
Okay, okay, it's the month of Youtube goodness. I promise I will get to more photo posts, but I've been swamped with photo editing and booking shoots for the summer & fall season!
In the meantime, check out this trailer for Paper Heart - a documentary about Charlyne Yi and her quest to understand love. When she meets Michael Cera (her real life beau), things become interesting. The premise of this movie makes me feel those small butterflies in my stomach - you know the ones you get when you like somebody? Also, take a look out for the CN Tower. I can't wait until this comes out in theatres :)
My favourite line in the trailer:
Charlyne: What's the perfect date?
Kid: Take somebody to Applebees and give dem hot wings!
***Bah! I think the video is being cut off by the blog?? Booooo......check out the link for sure then. OMG, watch the videos!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I <3 Sara Bareilles

Please check her out because her music is absolutely divine :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Stacyan & Gordon Wedding (07.04.09)

***warning: huge photo post ahead!****
I had the honour of documenting the union of Stacyan & Gordon this past Saturday! I was referred to them by Ohad, whose lovely wedding I photographed last year to my friend Cheryl :) Thanks guys for introducing me to your awesome friends!
Stacy & Gordon met 5 years ago and even though a part of their relationship was spent long distance, it never dampened their love for one another. They married at Pickering Museum Village, which was such a beautiful and quiet location. I was really worried that it might rain that day, but instead we got a day full of sunshine. A lot of sunshine actually - hot, beaming, sweat inducing sunshine!! Hahaha! It was all good though - people came prepared with umbrellas :P
Stacy said she wasn't one to cry, but she couldn't hold back tears as her Dad walked her down the aisle:

We were running a bit behind in schedule for the portraits, but Stacy & Gordon were great sports and let me do my thing ;) Even though Gord said he felt nervous in front of the camera, I think he's a natural and got some great shots! There were so many images to choose from, I just couldn't narrow them down:
I wasn't booked to shoot the entire reception, but things were running a bit late and they asked me to stick around for their First Dance. I'm so glad I did:

Thanks Stacy & Gord for being sooooo awesome to work with!! I really loved capturing each moment for you guys. I can't wait to add photos and bring great memories to your future little house :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sweet Dreams MJ
I wasn't thinking of making a post dedicated to Michael Jackson, but while I was editing away, I had his memorial playing in the background and I couldn't help but think of all the MJ songs I used to listen to when I was younger.
My brother and I would listen to his music everyday - my brother being obsessed with Michael Jackson, and we're talking the insane video taping of all his music videos/concerts/interviews on VHS (oooooh yah, remember those people? VHS rocks! well, not so much nowadays...) and playing his cassette tapes over and over again (recorded from his vinyls...oh man, those were the days!) The King of Pop would even serenade us to sleep with songs like "Man in the Mirror", "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "Smooth Criminal" :) Ooh, ooh, we even had the Michael Jackson Moonwalker video game!!!! Yes, we were nerds!! (And that was a hard game to beat too.)
Even though he went through some really dark times in his later years (I think we all know what period that was), he has somehow impacted everyone in one form or another with his music & dance. I tried searching for my favourite song of his to share from YouTube and I realized that there's too many songs to choose from. I finally decided on "Pretty Young Thing" because it's still being played on the radio and every time it comes on, I still find myself dancing to this song.
***ignore the actual video - apparently there wasn't any official video made for this song***
Michael Jackson, you will be missed.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
I <3 Chinglish

Gunpowder green tea anyone?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Rain, Rain Go Away
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A Day Off

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