Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer is here!!!

After completely crashing for 2 days since my exam (I think I passed) I'm excited to finally embrace SUMMER!!! Yay!!!

What I'm looking forward to:
  • my upcoming weddings ;)
  • more fun outdoor/lifestyle shoots
  • some crazy conceptual studio shoots
  • weekend getaways
  • cool evening drinks with friends
  • berry picking/apple picking/something perhaps not pumpkin this year (hahaha)
  • roller blading (to the best of my abilities - it's sad, don't laugh)
  • ?????????
What I'm not looking forward to:
  • looking like a lobster - I burn baby, like a sizzling hot plate! no tanning for me! hurray.....:*(
  • feeling hot, sweaty and bloated (I love me some AC)
  • seeing everyone turn a nice shade of tan/brown >:(
  • MOSQUITOES *hiiisssssssss*
  • driving in my very own car oven (again, I love me some AC)
  • looking like a lobster (oh wait, did I already mention that? yah.)
Too bad there's not enough weekends in the summer - there's so many things I want to do, but not a lot of time *sigh* But here's to summer anyways! ;)

What are your plans?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Brother's Birthday & Father's Day

I'm not going to make this post very long, as I still have some bit of cramming to do :(

I just wanted to send out a HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY to the most awesome brother a girl could have!!! He's turned another year older today (yay!), which means I'm also another year older soon ( I think I'm going to drown myself in some high caloric ice cream now and weep silently - no longer is my brother a tiny, wide-eyed boy; instead he's become this grown adult without me even realizing it. And soon, my friends, I'll become the old lady with a cat.

I also wanted to wish my Dad a very Happy Father's Day! I hope you like your present - it's something to start the collection with :)

And now back to studying I go......

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Duck, duck, goose

Going to be busy studying this weekend. I haven't crammed for anything in 4 years. Ugh, I don't miss school at all. Maybe I'll head out for some sweet, sweet coffee to help me along - love my caffeinated beverages ;) Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello my little friend

My first caterpillar of the year. I will call him Wilbur. I have not seen him since this shoot. I hope he is safely crawling away from danger and sleeping soundly, dreaming of becoming a pretty butterfly :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Moving Forward

I had a really nice talk with a good friend today :) What I took out of this conversation is that at the end of the day, no matter what choice you make as a person, it's all for moving forward in life - regardless of whether you choose Path A or Path B or even Path C. Even if it fails, it's still alright. Why? Because at least you're moving, which is always better than standing still.

So that's what I try to do everyday - just to move. And it's a challenge for me because I'm not always the fastest runner in the herd or even the most aggressive. But I have to remind myself that whether it's making new friends, working on concepts, becoming more business savvy, or feeling stronger and more confident about myself - it's all about moving forward from the spot I'm standing in, or else I won't improve. I might fall many times (perhaps even flat on my face), but I'll just have to pick myself up, dust myself off and try again. Otherwise I'll never be the better photographer, daughter, sister, friend and person that I want to be.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Procrastination (at its best) :P

I was originally supposed to go visit Abbey today, but our plans fell through. Boo. Sooooo.....this is what happens when you have tons of bananas + procrastination from writing a certain essay:


Haha, and back to the computer and type I go. But at least I have something delicious to show from my *ahem* break. Yum!!!!! ;P

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Day of Productivity

I'm totally sucking at this blogging thing nowadays! The photo-a-day completely fell through the cracks, so I have to try my darndest to get back on that train. Now that the weather's finally looking up, I'll be more inspired :)

Anyways, had a really awesome meeting with one of my vendors today and I'm completely excited about what I'll be able to offer my clients in the future. Whoo!! I'll be sure to do a post about that sometime.

The best part of any meeting though, is the meal that follows afterwards. I can't help it - I just love food a tad too much ;) Yum! Nothing beats a full and belly bloating breakfast after being productive :)

Me & a friend ate at this small little restaurant around the corner called Tom's Restaurant. He was the sweetest guy and totally made our days with a loaded breakfast - and it didn't even cost that much either!! A must re-visit destination for sure.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I <3 Tara McPherson

Okay, this post was a long time coming! Several weeks ago, I went to see Tara McPherson's show curated by Magic Pony on Queen at the Narwhal Art Projects. It was my first time actually seeing her work, and it didn't disappoint.

Her style is a mixture of the surreal and cute - fits right along the lines of the stuff I like :) She's probably best known for her seductive, bizarre and innocent girls - and Mr. Wiggles.

My favourite piece from the show: A Halloween Portrait

Even though all the prints that I wanted were sold out (bah!! darn her popularity! haha), I left with a little momento - meet my little Vampire Boy (yes, the same one from the Hallowe'en Portrait):

***hurray, it's another little figurine to add to my toy collection :P hehehehe.....

Hopefully I'll be able to make the upcoming Junko Mizuno show. It'll be awesome to finally see her work in person after only seeing them in print. Good times. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rise of the Creative Class

Boo...I had to reschedule a shoot today, so instead I spent some well deserved QT with my brother which was allllll good :) It's been a while since we've really had the time to sit down and talk. Lots of things were discussed and I'm super stoked with a new side project that I'm going to be involved in!! Ooh, the suspense....;)