I don't know how some cat owners can stay sane. Or perhaps it's just my cat and it's just me. I'm starting to believe my cat either needs a helmut, or I need to cover my place from ceiling to floor in bubble wrap.
Now, I am not a morning person. Not in the least. Really. Mornings make me cranky. So on this day, I actually woke up early (blame it on the 'gaining an hour' daylight savings) and decided to take a morning shower & enjoy a light breakfast (meaning a glass of OJ). It's a real treat sometimes when I wake up feeling good enough to enjoy the cool & crisp morning; all was well - so I thought.
Of course my cat was up as usual causing his daily mischief:
- digging up soil from my plants *I have now removed my plants
- trying to remove the pushpins from my corkboard
- attempting to chew through my computer wires
- dragging tissues from my washroom garbage can *I have now relocated my garbage can
Seeing how I figured he was up and thinking I was being a good mom, I would go play with my cat so he will stop destroying everything else. Apparently bad idea. Lesson to learn: Don't add fuel to an already hyper cat. Off he went bouncing off of any surface available to him - tables, chairs and somehow appropriately, my glass of OJ, which went spilling and flying ALL over my carpet. He literally kicked the glass right off the table.
Did I mention that I was not a morning person?
But I should have expected this somehow. Coming from the cat who gave himself a bloody nose and a cut lip from trying to be SuperCat and smashed his face into the side of my table. All I'm saying is that either he needs a helmut, or I need bubble wrap. Lots of bubble wrap.
*sigh* It's just one of those days. And it's only 7:30AM.
All is well and forgiven again. I came home and Jasper was all affectionate and sorry (I think? to the best of his ability anyways) and we're buddies again. Don't get me wrong, I love my cat to bits, but some days....ARRRGHHHH!!!
And it's not like he's never been annoyed at me. I just have to see this photo and remember that he was also not a happy camper when I left him at the vets for observation after his SuperCat jump. Ha! Well who thought it was a good idea to jump that distance in the first place? Oh well.
Just wait until next week when I have to leave him at the vets to get him neutered....uhm, yah. That should be fun. Pictures will follow. Stay tuned.